Lies, drugs, and a videotape are the reasons young lovers Sara Jamison & Mike Andrews have spent the last eight years apart, each believing the other betrayed them.
Sara has no clue where Mike's been all these years, but she knows where she's been - busy raising their son, Ethan. Two weeks after he accused her of cheating and disappeared from her life, Sara discovered she was something she never expected to be - an unwed pregnant teenager. But with the love and support of her annoyingly alpha-male family, she's managed to make a

Until the day Detective Mike Andrews walks into her bakery and back into her life...
"There's Only Been You is a heartwarming story of family and a second chance at love. Reading Donna Marie Rogers is like coming home." ~ Best-selling, Award-winning author Tori Carrington
"...Wonderfully heartwarming..." 4-Stars* Romantic Times BOOK Reviews
Buy There's Only Been You:
Sara glanced over her shoulder when the screen door opened. Mike. The pan she'd been drying fell from her hands and clattered to the floor.
"We need to talk."
"Where's Garrett?" she asked, attempting to peer around his broad shoulders. She tried not to make eye contact with him. As long as she didn't look him directly in the eye, she'd be able to maintain her composure.
"You've always put him on a goddamn pedestal."
She bent over to pick up the pan. "Don't you dare say anything unkind about him."
"He's a pain in the ass."
Sara shot him a look. "He's not the only one."
A slow smile curved his lips. "Now there's the Sara I know and love."
"Don't you dare throw that word around. If you loved me we wouldn't be in this situation." A surge of emotion tightened her chest, and she silently cursed herself for letting him get to her.
Hands on his hips, Mike sighed. "Look, I know you have every reason to believe that, but it's just not true. I've loved you since the first moment I laid eyes on you."
She paused. God, how she wanted to believe him. But if he'd truly loved her as he claimed, he'd never have been able to stay away for so long. She swallowed past the lump in her throat and reached into the drainer for something else to dry.
"All right, I'm done playing. Come on, we're going for a ride." Mike reached out and grasped her elbow.
"I'm not going anywhere with you," she said, yanking her arm free. "If you want to talk, we'll talk, but we're doing it right here." She tossed the dishtowel on the counter and crossed her arms over her chest.
"You either follow me to my truck or I'll throw you over my shoulder and carry you there. But one way or another, we're taking a ride."
She gasped. "If you touch me I'll scream bloody murder."
"Then I guess I'll have to gag you as well."
He took a step toward her. She took a step back.
"You stay the hell away from me." She took another step back and bumped into the table.
"Not a chance. I made that mistake once, I won't make it again."

Donna Marie Rogers lives in a renovated old schoolhouse in beautiful Northeast Wisconsin with her husband and children. She's an avid gardener and home-canner, as well as an admitted reality TV junkie. Her passion to read is only exceeded by her passion to write, so when she's not doing the wife and mother thing, you can usually find her sitting at her computer, creating exciting new characters, fresh new worlds, and always happily-ever-afters.
Answer one of the following questions for a chance to win a copy of There's Only Been You:
Your significant other has just returned after leaving several years ago to get milk at the corner store. What's the first thing you say as they walk in the door?
What do you think would be the best thing about living in a renovated schoolhouse?
Or just stop by and say hi to Donna!
Welcome, everyone. We got started a little later than usual (you know how we California people are), but we're rarin' to go.
Love the excerpt! Love the question!
Donna, your home sounds beautiful! How did you come to live in a schoolhouse?
Oh. A renovated schoolhouse. Really? Sounds awesome.
Great excerpt, too!
I almost bought an old firehouse and renovated it. Almost. Someone beat me to it.
This sounds like it would be a good book to take on a summer trip - or to the beach - or just while sitting in the sun!
I hope to never have to find out what I would say to my hubby if he walked out only to return years later - but as for living in a renovated schoolhouse - now that is cool - all the history that has taken place there! I would hope that it would inspire your children.
Hello everyone! I am SO sorry I'm late. I had forgotten about my basket party (making raffle baskets for conference) when I booked this date. *sheepish grin*. And now I'm having computer issues again. I hope it's just AOL.
Diesel, Chris, thank you for having me. :-) I'm glad everyone enjoyed the excerpt.
We moved up to Green Bay to be closer to my husband's parents. We lived in an apartment, them a house, when they found this place and asked if we wanted to buy it together. I love this old house. It was built in 1930 and was converted into a duplex maybe 30 years ago. I run into so many people who went to school here. It's kind of weird in a way...LOL But the building itself is a fortress; I think a tornado would bounce off of it. The walls are a foot thick and it's mostly brick and concrete. The slab in the front of the building says Mills Center School. :-) I wish I could post a picture of it, but I haven't a clue how to. LOL
No worries, Donna. We're on West Coast Lazy time over here.
Come on, lurkers, I know you're out there. Leave a comment and maybe win a book!
Now that's a forceful male. And a fantastic question, that I feel I must answer (I'm a roast master, so I'm ineligible for the prize, though, Donna, however brilliant my answer...)
"I sent you out for milk, not cottage cheese. Now get back out there and get me what I asked for."
Finally got back online. I'm so sorry, everyone, I probably should've resheduled for another day when I realized my basket party was today. I'll see if I can get someone over here to post. *G*
Great answer, Shona...LOL I was thinking, "Well, you damn well better have the milk."
Your significant other has just returned after leaving several years ago to get milk at the corner store. What's the first thing you say as they walk in the door?
Where the heck is the milk? Do you expect me to eat DRY Fruit Loops?
Donna, you know me well enough to know that I'm warped enough to actually say this. :P
Ah, Dulcie, no one makes me laugh harder than you. We chuckled today when I served the lasagna at my kitchen table. *G*
LOL! Great question. My response would be to grab a nearby blunt object and march toward the door saying, "Oh hell no, I know you just didn't walk in my house with a carton of !@#%$%*# milk! Did you? Did you really?"
It was so nice to see the picture of you today. I don't think I've seen that yet. And it's nice to put a face to a name.
The exerpt sounds great, too. And like everyone else, your home sounds wonderful.
LOL...Great answer, Meagan! And I can totally picture that, too. ;-)
When he came back with a carton of cigarettes. I'd say "Back so soon dear."
I think living in a renovated school house would be wonderful. A barn too, how cool.
Hi Christie! That's very nice, thank you. I HATE taking pictures, but this is one I can tolerate (though it's about 5 years old...LOL).
Mary, it's funny, but everytime someone new comes to the house (UPS or FedX driver, delivery guy, etc.) they stare past me inside as if waiting to be asked inside and say, "So this is a house, huh?" LOL
Donna, I didn't know you lived in a renovated schoolhouse. Sounds interesting.
Your excerpt rocks!
Donna, sounds like a great book. Love the idea of living in a renovated schoolhouse.
Can not imagine what I would say to the MIA spouse, except it would involve sharp objects and lots of bloodshed.
Wow, time flies! I suppose you East Coasters are tucked into bed, but I'm still at work and I just remembered that I'm supposed to be hosting this thing.
Ok, so I'm closing things down. Thanks for participating, everybody! Donna will pick a winner soon.
Thank you, everyone, for stopping by! Book Roast thank you for having me. :-)
I had my daughter draw a winner because I just couldn't choose. *G*
And the winner is....Mary Ricksen!! Mary, email me at (paulck1225 (at) with your address and I'll get a copy in the mail to you ASAP. :-)
It's not very original, but I'd have to go with "Where the hell have you been?!?!"
(This is Rachel BVH--I can't ever get my google id to work!)
Congrats, Mary! Thanks for hanging out, Donna!
LOL...Hi Rachel! Thanks for stopping by. Looking forward to seeing you at conference....still want to emcee? *G*
Great excerpt, Donna! Oh, just the architecture of the old schoolhouse must be amazing. Hope you post pics sometime, I'd love to see it.
(And try an exercise ball for your back - it helped mine)
I'm late, but really enjoyed all the answers from everyone else. :)
I definitely recommend There's Only Been You for a great summer read at the beach.
Sorry to be so late.
I would be speechless if he walked back into my life after being away a few years.
Great excerpt.
Thanks for posting Cate, Stacey & Sandy!
True story: My dad (who I didn't know was my adopted dad till much later) left us in the middle of the night when I was 9, and decided to show up again a decade later and act as if he'd never left. We never heard a word from him in all those years, didn't know if he was dead or alive. He did pass away about 6 years ago, but we were friends, so I miss him daily.
Hi Donna!
What would I say?
"I wanted 2% milk!" *grin*
How sad when lies and betrayals keep young lovers apart! I'm already rooting for Sara and Mike.
Great excerpt and interview!
Chiron O'Keefe
The Write Soul:
I'd say . . . "That milk had BETTER be sour."
(I may or may not add explicitly: "b/c you've been in a ditch this whole time.")
Great excerpt and love the question.
Sorry to be so late!
Chiron-LOL on your reply! I like that. Meaning, I suppose, 'Turn around and head back out, buddy, cuz you ain't got what I want anymore."
Chiron & Kris, thanks so much for posting. :-)
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